This delicious quick bread recipe is very moist and very sweet- more like a cake than a bread. A former neighbor of mine shared this recipe with me after...
These muffins won 2nd place in a King Arthur Flour contest. I've been making them since my kids were babies and have brought them to many functions. The...
This is a wonderful cornbread recipe that is moist and sweet. I came up with this recipe after experimenting with tons of other cornbread recipes. None...
This is a healthy recipe with the wheat germ in it. This is from the Kretschmer Wheat Germ web site. I didn't have skim evaporated milk, used powdered...
This is a moist, dense, not to mention DELICIOUS, bread with very good flavor. It is marbled and topped off with a peanutty chocolate crumb topping. The...
Gift jar directions at bottom of the recipe - add onto a recipe card and attach to the gift! Or skip the gift making and indulge yourself with this treat!!...
This came from my first, and most favorite cookbook. It makes a slightly sweet cornbread, which I adore. My hubby won't eat sweet cornbread, though, so...
Healthy muffins with no sugar and good protein. It's an extremely easy recipe, but I added lots of tips to the directions so don't be scared off. I was...
These low-fat soft orange muffins are bursting with sweet orange flavour. By far the best orange muffin I have made. The original recipe is for orange...
We love these, especially in the fall! Though they're good anytime -- I usually throw a few bags of fresh cranberries in the freezer during the fall, so...
Now you can have carrot cake in a muffin! To make these even more like carrot cake, use your favourite cream cheese icing to take them over the top! You...
These are good, just not as moist as I was hoping for. The next time I make them, I'm going to try cutting the sugar back to 1/2 cup and using a 1/4 cup...
This is from The Art of American Indian Cooking by Y. Kimball & J. Anderson. It's quick and easy, and makes a good "camp" bread. I've made it both at home,...
You can barely taste the hidden zucchini in this recipe, which makes it a perfect way to get kids to eat their vegetables. It is moist, sweet, and flavorful-...
These muffins are jam-packed with fresh berries and are super moist! The tartness of the raspberries is perfectly balanced by the brown sugar and banana....
This recipe came from a Stonyfield Farm Yogurt cookbook. The yogurt makes 'em moist, the ham and cheese makes 'em awesome. I've made these twice in the...
I have hesitated to post this recipe because there are so many zucchini cake/bread recipes already posted here. However, since I have retired from "semi-commercial"...
I developed this recipe because I couldn't bear to throw away the nutritious nut solids that are left after I make almond milk or walnut milk. My first...
From the Cook's Illustrated Website: Before preparing the baking dish or any of the other ingredients, measure out the frozen kernels and let them stand...
I really stink at making muffins, I mean REALLY stink at it. I failed muffin class 101, BUT for some reason I came up with this recipe that I have YET...
There are plenty of sweets on site with the white chocolate-macadamia nut combination, but not one muffin could I find. These are terrific. Toasted coconut...
These are a delicious twist on the standard blueberry muffin. Yummy!! This recipe was sent to me from my friend Shanna who is baking muffins like crazy...
This cake like corn bread is so delicious, you won't be able to stop at one piece. This recipe is a favorite in my family. It adds a special touch to any...
This is my own variation of a great healthy recipe published by Dr. Dean Ornish. I love this with bean soups. The 7x9 pan fits perfectly in the toaster...
A wonderful, moist, sweet, and flavourful loaf that is a nice alternative to banana or pumpkin bread. It's great with coffee on a winter morning or as...
These are the muffins that my teenagers request. I brought them to the airport when my son came home for winter break, at his request. One Christmas I...
I got this recipe from my sister in law years ago. The flavors of chocolate, banana, and chocolate chips makes for a nice tea bread. It is Moist and flavorful...